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放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2012-09-19 14:51 来源:食品伙伴网 原文:
核心提示:食品伙伴网讯 据澳大利亚检验检疫局(AQIS)消息,近日该局发布公共检疫警告PQA0842,修订了淡水活鱼的进口条件。

    食品伙伴网 据澳大利亚检验检疫局(AQIS)消息,近日该局发布公共检疫警告PQA0842,修订了淡水活鱼进口条件。最新进口条件修订了美梳鲶(Dekeyseria pulcher)、蝴蝶鱼等鱼种的最短尺寸要求。
     Public Quarantine Alert  PQA0842  
     Amendment to the List of Permitted Live Freshwater Fish suitable for Import to Australia.
    DAFF Biosecurity advises that as of 17 September 2012, the following changes to DAFF Biosecurity's List of Permitted Live Freshwater Fish suitable for Import will be implemented;
    Dekeyseriapulcher – increase minimum size to 3cm
    Pseudomystussiamensis – add a minimum size limit of 8cm
    Puntiussemifasciolatus – add a minimum size limit of 3cm
    Sawbwaresplendens – increase minimum size to 1.5cm
    Tropheus spp. – add a minimum size limit of 3cm.
    This amendment to the List of Permitted Live Freshwater Fish suitable for Import has come about due the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities amendments to their List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for Live Import.
    DAFF Biosecurity import permits for live freshwater ornamental fish will be reissued on 14 September 2012. All holders of current live freshwater ornamental fish import permits will be contacted and advised of these changes in addition to their new import permit number.
    Please note that all fish which arrive in Australia from 17 September 2012 that do not meet the above size restrictions will be directed for export or destruction.
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